1. Purpose of the Public Art Stimulus Fund
The purpose of this Public Art Stimulus Fund (PASF) is to have an allocation of funds to support one to two project(s) per year that can assist a professional artist or a Prince Albert professional arts organization, business, or non-profit organization partnering with a professional artist, to complete a public art project. Maximum of $5000 granted annually, per project. Preference will be given to matched funding applications.
Please click this link to the criteria for more information.
2. Eligible Applicants
4. Grant Amount.
Grants will be up to a maximum of $5,000 per applicant per year. This grant is intended to stimulate public art projects and include other sources of funding for such projects. Projects will not be funded retroactively and any project beginning prior to the date that the application is submitted will not be considered. 100% of the total amount granted to a project will be forwarded to the applicant with confirmation of project approval. A follow-up report is required, see section 10.
6. Project Description
The public art is to be in a public location, accessible to all. Eligible Projects include temporary public art.
Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif
7. Do you have any other partners with this project?
8. Project Timeline (Include dates and actions to be completed below or attach)
*The Public Art Project must be completed within a year from which this funding is approved. Projects will acknowledge support from the City of Prince Albert, though the Public Art Policy.
Please attach your project timeline and include the following information in your document:
9. Project Budget: (Please attach your documents below. Budget MUST Balance or the application will not be considered)
Please use the following format:
10. Follow-up Requirements
Please Note:
A Public Art Selection Jury evaluates the applications against the program purpose and criteria. All decisions are final.
Applications will be directed to:
Judy MacLeod Campbell
Arts & Culture Coordinator, Community ServicesCity of Prince Albert.
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